Monkton Farleigh Mine is the largest of
the three Central Ammunition Depots and consists of 80 acres of
tunnels and storage districts.
Built during WW2, it was
decommissioned in 1965 and sold off in 1976. After many years of
fruitless wrangling between landowners and planners, Monkton Farleigh
Mine was almost destroyed by theft and vandalism.
In 1984 this once Top Secret
establishment was rescued by volunteers who launched an ambitious
programme to restore the mine and open it to the public.

Click on the button above
for a tour of Monkton Farleigh Mine.

Stored Underground
New Use For Old Quarries

within the boundaries of the Southern Command there are what
are described in prosaic official language as 'storage areas'.
This does not convey information to the enemy or to anyone
else. Aerial reconnaissance would disclose nothing but rolling
countryside, with wooded hills, picturesque villages, and
peaceful pastoral scenery. Many of the local inhabitants are
unaware that deep under the earth a wonderful feat of engineering
has created a vast bomb-proof store for munitions of war;
those who knew kept the secret inviolate.'
Times, 23 November 1943
